Boutin Valuation is a real estate appraisal and consulting firm that provides valuation services for properties subject to eminent domain proceedings in both federal and state jurisdictions. Boutin Valuation is privately owned by N. Richard Boutin, Jr., MAI, a member of the Appraisal Institute since 1987.
N. Richard Boutin, Jr., MAI has over 40 years of real estate valuation experience and expertise involving real estate subject to government acquisition. Specific expertise within the field of eminent domain includes the analysis and valuation of various types of property subject to condemnation proceedings, assistance to legal counsel on independent cases and providing expert witness testimony in valuation matters.
Assignments include roadway projects for public and private concerns, downtown redevelopment, utility easement valuation and consulting with government agencies regarding right of way acquisition, design and budgeting.
Boutin Valuation is routinely faced with unusual remainder property situations as a result of a partial acquisition and use of the property acquired. In an effort to accurately assess potential damages, we have completed a variety of studies focusing on specific changes in a remainder property. The types of studies completed, but not limited to, include access studies with regard to lost or impaired access, parking studies to determine the impacts due to reduced and/or re-configured onsite parking, residential yard depth studies for homes adjacent to major roadways and studies regarding the impacts of natural gas pipelines on adjacent real estate.
With the assistance of an experienced eminent domain team, Boutin Valuation can address all real property valuation issues and insure the legally compensable aspects of compensation are evaluated.
Neal R. Boutin, Jr.
State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ199
Mark Stewart Boutin
State-Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser RD5371
William Richard Boutin
State-Registered Trainee Real Estate Appraiser RI24195
N. Richard Boutin, Jr., MAI
(850) 509-3256
Mark Boutin
(850) 544-0966
William Boutin
(850) 545-4590
Office Address
225 Main Street, Suite 11
Destin, Florida 32541
Mailing Address
Post Office Box 5859
Destin, Florida 32540
Boutin Valuation
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